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The Many Uses of STERIPURE® Water

The Applications of STERIPURE® Water are:

  • Autoclaves/steam sterilizers for medical, dental and veterinary use
  • Washing and rinsing of medical and laboratory instruments
  • Pharmaceutical and herbal remedy preparations
  • Laboratory testing and rinsing
  • Preparation of fragrances toiletries and cosmetics
  • Automotive and industrial applications
  • Paint manufacturers
  • Photographic Laboratories processing and printing
  • Plastics and chemical industries
  • Commercial and Domestic Cleaning applications
  • Commercial and domestic irons and garment steamers
  • Medicines
  • Aquariums

STERIPURE® distribute and manufacture these products in Western Australia dealing mainly with wholesalers.

We also take enquiries from the general public, contact us for more info.

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  • June 20, 2013

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